VOOZ. Another Pod system for liquids and more
VOOZ. Another Pod system for liquids and more

Good morning, dear vapers and connoisseurs of delicious electronic steam. Today in our review we will have a universal device for vapers, some possibilities of using which are impossible in our country. I bring to your attention a universal device that can be used as an electronic cigarette for ordinary liquids, and it can also be used with CBD liquids, the company primarily hoped that this device would be used with liquids containing canabioids, since The manufacturer’s website even has liquids of this category, as well as cartridges that contain substances on the cananabioids. But this does not tell us that this device can not be used with ordinary liquids for electronic cigarettes, since there are cartridges (empty) on sale that can be refilled without any problems at any time. No, this is not even a vaporizer, it is a typical representative of Pod-systems, which has simply advanced functionality and capabilities. Well, if you look at this device and don’t know what it is proposed for using CBD fluids, you don’t even have to guess about its main purpose. Well, what is before us VOOZ from the digging of the same name.

Well, before us is a small box of durable white cardboard on the front side of which the device itself is depicted, as well as the name is written, on the back of the box you will find all the necessary information regarding this device. What about the configuration? There is nothing supernatural; it is the same as that of all the other representatives of this category. In the box you will find the user manual, warranty card (the warranty on the device is limited to 12 months) and a cable for recharging with a mini docking station on magnets.