Scottish government offers vaping restrictions
Scottish government offers vaping restrictions

Good day to all those interested in the topic of electronic cigarettes and all that regularly monitors world news that directly relate to the topic of vaping. Today we will talk about restrictions again and move to Scotland, where the government, after looking at the activities of the US health authorities, thought about restricting advertising in their country. Scottish ministers hope that Scotland will be the first country in Europe to introduce restrictions on e-cigarette advertising, aiming to reduce the impact of these products on children. Scottish Minister of Public Health Joe Fitz Patrick has confirmed that the Scottish government is exploring ways to reduce the impact on children of vaping products.“This will make Scotland the first country in Europe to do so. The proposed restrictions will not apply to any public health campaign, and the proposal is to allow advertising at points of sale, provided that it is not visible outside the premises , ”he said.

In support of these proposed measures, researchers at the University of Texas conducted a recent study called “Marketing and Implementation of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems for Youth and Young People . ” Compiled data indicate that minors between the ages of 12 and 17 who reported that they remember advertising electronic cigarettes were almost twice as likely to start using electronic cigarettes for two and a half years. A recent longitudinal study examined whether there is a correlation between e-cigarette recalls and point-of-sale tobacco (POS) marketing and market products.
A study called “Point-of-sale marketing feedback predicts cigarette and e-cigarette use among Texas youths” was published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research earlier this summer. Researchers used the Texas Adolescent Tobacco Advertising and Marketing Supervision System (TATAMS), a large-scale, representative study of grades 6, 8, and 10 in 79 high schools and high schools in five Texas counties. The relationships between withdrawing tobacco advertising and products displayed at points of sale and susceptibility to cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars and smokeless products after 6 months were investigated.
The study showed that students’ recollections of such advertisements for electronic cigarettes and products such as cigars predicted their continued use and increased susceptibility to the use of products upon subsequent observation in all types of stores. On the other hand, the review of advertising on large displays of cigarettes and smokeless products did not seem to have the same effect and was not related to tobacco use measures. Researchers concluded that the POS environment continues to have a major impact and plays an important role in the behavior of tobacco use among young people. Legislators in different countries are urged to study this issue and adjust marketing and advertising of such products accordingly.